Friday, 19 December 2008

The Pros and Cons of YouTube PR

The benefits of using YouTube to promote your work, company and ideas is that millions of people might see you. Potentially.

The risk is that it might backfire horribly.

Mobile phone giant Motorola is shutting down its R+D division in Rennes, France.

Some of the employees, taking their futures into their own hands, decided to advertise their plight on YouTube, with a series of humorous music videos. It seems their outgoing paymasters haven't been impressed, and now it's claimed those involved have been fired. Here's one of their videos:

The YouTube link is here

Another video I've come across is a bit of charity fun from an independent British school, called Moreton Hall. Here's their version of OK GO! on treadmills. The chap on the right is headmaster. Allegedly.

Media Studies comes of age?

The UK's higher education institutions have just been rated by the RAE, the Research Assessment Exercise, which determines how British faculties are doing, compared to their counterparts in the UK and internationally.

The Times reports good news for Westminster University's Media faculty.

You can read the article here.