I know I shouldn't be a cultural snob, but the following extract from Celebrity Big Brother, on the British TV station Channel 4, is so dire I can't decide whether the sheer awfulness of what follows is a brilliant piece of popularist broadcasting, or the end of threshold standards of quality as we know it.
Watch it and weep. Or laugh. Possibly both.
Click here.
Anytime anyone can evoke an "end of culture" comment, they have achieved something. (Whether that's a good thing or not, I'm not so sure.)
Indeed! The fact I watched the clip and wrote about it makes me complicit in some way. Damn.
Bring on Big Bro,
Sorry to be the sterotypical annoying big brother fan!
Big Brother is like marmite,
'You either love it or hate it.'
I have to say I think he's more Foolio than Coolio.
Not my cup of tea at all.
haha 'foolio'!
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