Sunday, 10 May 2009

The Future Pace of Change?

A great video that highlights the incredible speed with which our world is being swamped by digital data, and the pace at which new communication technologies are reaching global market penetrations of 50 million users. The shrinking timelines are quite terrifying, and reminds me of Marshall McLuhan's coining of the phrase, 'The Global Village', back in the early 1970s. How true his observation has come to be, how swift the rate at which people all over the world can join real-time communities of shared interests and values.

There's mileage in using this video, I think, within teacher or student presentations that look at how the relationship between audiences and institutions are changing rapidly. There's also some use here if the video were to be incorporated into a presentation about issues surrounding Distribution.

If you use the video do let me know how. I'd be interested to hear from you.


Don said...

Sasha, Great video. My principal is interested in showing it to staff at the beginning of next year. Some think it is frightening, others... inspirational!

Harvey Mackay, an America columnist and recent speaker at USC's MBA commencement wrote a response to the same video this week in his column:

I wrote a response on my blog yesterday. Thanks for getting us talking!


Char said...

Thanks for this video - I was shown it at a training course and have been searching for it ever since! It will be great to spark a discussion about the role of the media in the future with my 'A' level classes.

Don - thanks for that link - I'll be having a look!


Sacha van Straten said...

Hi Don, hi Char,

Thanks for your comments.

I'm pleased I could be of assistance.

I'm going to check out your link now Don.

Char - feel free to use anything that helps in your teaching. I use OCR. Which board do you use?

