Somehow I missed the press coverage of the fact that on Tuesday night BBC1 played its first ever episode of the long running hit soap opera, East Enders, with an entirely black cast.
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Colour blind to radical change
Somehow I missed the press coverage of the fact that on Tuesday night BBC1 played its first ever episode of the long running hit soap opera, East Enders, with an entirely black cast.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Digital tools for online learning

One of the fascinating aspects of the Web 2.0 read/write web is the speed at which solutions appear.
Here are two that have grabbed my eye over the last week.
The first is an online Learning Management System (LMS) called Studeous. There are lots of LMS options around, most of them costing thousands of pounds to instal and administer. Studeous has taken a rather different business model and is very much focused on harnessing Web 2.0 tools (like blogs, wikis, secure email) into one interface that any teacher can use, without training.
The other innovative aspect to Studeous is that it's free for teachers to use. I've set up an account and will aim to play with it ove the next few weeks. I imagine that the aim is to get individual teachers who are interested in this personalised LMS approach to become pathfinders, and then use them as the marketeers within their schools.
The other tool that I found fascinating is aimed more at business training users, but again, shows how learning could develop in the near future. Chalk allows multimedia learning content to be produced easily and sent to Blackberry smartphones. Again, it's a pointer to the way in which many teachers and students now carry powerful computers in their pockets, whose use for learning has barely been explored. Expect that to change dramatically over the next couple of years.
There's no doubting that the ways in which teachers and students communicate and collaborate is on the cusp of great change. The trick will be in navigating both parties to the right solutions for the most appropriate of tasks.
Digital lives captured in a myriad of pictures
His work and thoughts are insightful and powerful. Jarvis is looking and thinking deeply about what the world of the digital native is going to look like. He has a specific interest in the spaces between humans and objects, as well as human to human interactions. How can these be captured? What do they tell us that we don't already know, and how might that be put to good use?
I'll give you three quick examples of where his skill in art, design, interaction, and communication are leading him. The first is a posting about how digital natives will be able to view their lives pictorially, thanks to the power of social networks and tagging. Read all about it here. The second is his observations on the act of drawing. Jarvis decided to set himself the task of drawing a sketch, on his computer, for thirty minutes, each day. He captured this process and turned the activity itself into a meaningful text. See more here.
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Social networks, sociability, and a short film about love
Film stars repeat YouTube success story - News - South Manchester Reporter

Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Facebook backtracks. Loses face.

After 48 hours of intense user pressure Facebook has caved in and reverted back to its old terms. These, remember, still allow the company to hold on to your data, while their latest terms, had threatened to keep the rights to sell, re-publish and generally profit from your content forever - even if you deleted your account.
Monday, 16 February 2009
Facebook keeps your data - forever!!

A worrying change to the terms of service from global social networking behemoth, Facebook.
The advert is blowin' in the wind

Saturday, 14 February 2009
Small town music from the global village
A question of trust
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Digital Life, Minimal Privacy
Last Friday, as the snow cancelled school for the fourth day in a week, and our website hosts went down, our Principal, Mark Steed, set up a school Facebook group.
Sunday, 8 February 2009
The problem with technology....
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Web 2.0 - what it means to education
Friday, 6 February 2009
You're never too young to publish
Time for the typo?
The erstwhile MP has been found to have left a number of typos on his blog, having encouraged English school children to pay closer attention to what they have written. Whoops!
Read all about it here.
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Christian Bale - true artiste or crybaby?

I wasn't sure what to think when I heard wooden actor Christian Bale letting rip with a string of expletives. At first, I thought his rant against the director of photography, on the set of the new Terminator movie, was a joke. But as his anger became apparent, I was struck by the inappropriate nature of his rage.
Media exposure, the Cinderella effect, and a tale of epic Greek proportions

Jade Goody rose to fame as the face of a leering, ill educated section of British society. She rose to prominence in 2002, when she appeared on the reality TV show Big Brother.
Kangaroo bounced out of court!

An interesting development in the push for TV institutions to move to an online delivery model. The BBC has been running its wildly successful iPlayer for more than a year, and is now streaming BBC1 and BBC2 live on the Web. ITV, the other major terrestrial player, together with Channel 4 (whose public service remit is to offer innovative programming from under-represented quarters of British society) have both been offering a similar service.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Stopped Frames and Time Lapsed
Lacrosse: Berkhamsted V Benenden from Sacha van Straten on Vimeo.
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Never mind the on-screen action, feed me!
England Calling

Originally uploaded by svanstraten
The snow had begun to fall heavily, so I made my return journey along the main road.
I drive this route to work every morning, but walking it threw up some unexpected surprises. This was the biggest.
Red telephone boxes, part of the quintessential view of Britain, have become a rarity these days. When everyone has a mobile, who needs a call box? So, I was rather delighted to find that the owner(s) of this house have acquired a telephone box and planted it in their front garden.
It was a welcome splash of colour in an otherwise monochromatic day.
Stark Trees, Harsh Skyline

Originally uploaded by svanstraten
One unavoidable consequence of the weather was the merging of sky and earth.
I'd been walking for an hour when I glanced up the ridge to my left and saw these trees, defiantly making a stand against the elements.
It felt like someone had sucked the colour out of the day.
I like the closeness of the contrast between root, branch and ether.
Sheep in the landscape

Originally uploaded by svanstraten
There are a number of flocks of sheep grazing near to where I live.
The snow covered ground didn't seem to bother them particularly.
They just burrowed down and dug out what they needed from the earth.
This fellow graced me with a piercing stare, just long enough for me to squeeze off a frame.
Horse in a lonely field

Originally uploaded by svanstraten
School was cancelled yesterday because of heavy snowfall overnight.
Before I settled down to study for my MA I went out to capture some snowy photos.
As I trudged through the fields I came across this horse, taking shelter from the biting wind.
It sums up the strange feeling of desolation that descended on the valley, as the ground turned white and the sky remained resolutely grey.
Sunday, 1 February 2009
History of the Internet
Anyway, this gives a great background to the system that allows us now to communicate visual, auditory and text based data with the minimum of fuss. It's worth watching to the end. Enjoy.